EPOXY FLOOR ကိုဘာကြောင့်သုံးတာလဲဆိုတော့ပတ်ဝန်းကျင်ကျန်းမာရေးအတွက်ရောလုံခြုံစိတ်ချရလား။

Nowadays, when using any products, from food and beverage, garment to technology, users often focus on environmentally friendly and safe for human health. Also because of human health is weaker due to contamination of toxic substances during work, especially in potentially dangerous areas such as factories and the quality environment is also slowly degrading, pollution caused by hazardous wastes from industry, chemicals. They are making our lives and the environment more dangerous.

Understanding the psychology and worry of customers, APT has always researched and distributed to the market products with standards of compositions, safe production processes according to international standards.

Epoxy industrial floor paint products are used for floor construction for many industrial zones and factories with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, ensuring the standards: Odorless production materials, low VOC content: VOC is content of volatile organic substances in the paint. This ensures that the construction industry does not have unpleasant odors, affect human health and are friendly with the environment. This is one of the reasons that APT Vietnam won the title "Typical business for users" in 2014.